Sleeping Gas

A couple of Google pages in under Peak Oil, I noticed that Julian Cope's Head Heritage web site featured a peak oil article from last year. Cope, who started out as a Liverpudlian neo-punk, took leave of his senses for a while (check out the schizoid dual memoirs "Head-On/Repossesed"), and later became a music archivist and amateur druid archaeologist. I picked up his huge picture book "The Modern Antiquarian" several years ago and recommend it to anyone that enjoys visiting ancient UK sites. Drugs could have gotten Cope committed; fortunately he recovered and instead committed himself to undertaking some pretty interesting and intense pop-research. It looks like Cope has produced another massive picture-book, available soon called "The Megalithic European: The 21st Century Traveller in Prehistoric Europe".

I find this stuff more interesting than speculating what will happen in a post-peak economy. Just remember that what goes around comes around. And witness the fact that people have started habitating in well-preserved Star Wars movie sets. Non-fiction remains stranger than fiction.
"Non-fiction remains stranger than fiction."
Ain't that the truth.
I was trying to research some stuff for a post recently and eventually decided that the real story was far worse than the conspiracy theory I was going to pair it with (and at least I can just dismiss the tinfoil once I've finished reading it).
Another thing - for some reason Cope's name rings a bell but I can't for the life of me think what song(s) of his I should know - any suggestions as to what are his most widely known pieces ?
Cope is from the Teardrop Explodes. They came out of Liverpool in the late 1970's along with Echo & the Bunnymen and Wah! Heat. I always was a much bigger fan of Echo, but Cope is always interesting to listen to.
Post-Teardrops songs, "Trampolene", "Charlotte Anne" and "World Shut Your Mouth" get played a lot.
"Sleeping Gas" is a Teardrop song.
nobody does not love the bunnymen.
funny thing about those rankings - put peak energy in there and gav and I have bubbled almost to the top - right behind a canadian regional drilling company.
I imagine ten years from now we will surpass them... when they finally go under.
You guys have "peak energy", for some reason I have "Klein gas".
That's like the booby prize.
Hey - I seem to have surpassed the Canadian company in the rankings now (but I'll refrain from boasting about it given that I'm a mere Johnny come lately to MG's franchise).
At least "Klein gas" is better than "Gross gas" WHT :-)
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