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Monday, May 16, 2005

No Apologies

The Farmer at Corrente did some serious digging to show how the Newsweek story got politicized beyond belief. Impressive research!

On a completely unrelated note, the inscrutable DarkSyde pointed me to this link on Peak Farming. Although OhioLen misunderstands the definition of "Peak ___", he does remind us of the aquifer problems in the west.
A commenter wrote:
Many of these aquifers are comprised of deep, ancient water. They just won't recharge after a few rainy years. We have to start conserving fresh water now!


Professor Blogger @whut said...

Yes, I was thinking about the Oglalla in particular and the Nebraska farmers who couldn't cultivate without that amazing source of irrigation water.

And unlike England, the Great Plains isn't exactly a damp climate.

10:57 PM  

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